About - Olivier Brewaeys

Hello world, I’m Olivier.

I’m a SAFe certified product manager with a technical background. I’ve delivered software products from start to finish for startups and multinationals alike. Building and working with a technical team to deliver great products is where I am at my best.

Experienced along the product lifecycle having worked in roles as lead developer, technical analist and product, project & engineering manager. Responsibilities included agile project management, technical architecture, business analysis, technical analysis, product design, software engineering & dev-ops, hiring, data protection officer, coaching in data protection and applying scrum methodology.

A great user experience, security and maintainable code are important for me and contribute to both the end-user and developers’ happiness.

I am ambitious and driven with an inexhaustible curiosity which always keeps me learning. My interests are broad but my main passion lies in improving the state of privacy and security in IT.

In my spare time I like to be outdoors, preferably in nature, and staying active. All the better if I can combine the two. I love skiing and kitesurfing when the weather allows it. When it doesn’t I like running, cycling or swimming and try to improve myself by participating in marathons, triatlons and trailrunning competitions.

You can find my full cv on LinkedIn or here in a PDF.

If you like to contact me, send me an email at [olivier at olbrew dot me] or DM me on Twitter.